Affiliate Disclosure

ColumbiaRiverPickleball is a participant in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through the links and advertisements displayed on our website. We believe in transparency and want to ensure that our users understand how these affiliate partnerships work.

What is an Affiliate Program?

An affiliate program is a marketing arrangement between an online retailer or service provider (referred to as the “Merchant”) and a website owner (referred to as the “Affiliate”). As an Affiliate, we promote the Merchant’s products or services on our website. When a user clicks on an affiliate link or advertisement on ColumbiaRiverPickleball and makes a purchase, we may earn a commission from that transaction.

How Does It Affect You?

The presence of affiliate links and advertisements on ColumbiaRiverPickleball does not affect the products or services you purchase or their prices. The commissions we earn through these affiliate programs help support the maintenance, development, and operation of our website, allowing us to continue providing valuable content and resources to our users.

We always strive to recommend products or services that we genuinely believe will benefit our users. Our editorial integrity is of utmost importance, and we aim to provide honest and unbiased information to help you make informed decisions.

Please note that we may not have direct control over the products, services, or content provided by the Merchant websites linked through our affiliate links. It is essential to review the terms and conditions, privacy policies, and any other relevant information on the Merchant’s website before making a purchase.

We appreciate your support by using the affiliate links and advertisements on our website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate disclosure, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for being a part of the ColumbiaRiverPickleball community!

The ColumbiaRiverPickleball Team